TibKat's Insight's

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What's Up With Blog's?

I’m asking you… What is Blogging all about? I have to say, I have been so far off the whole technology bandwagon… Thanks to my sister I found out what a Blog was today and thought, I’m going to sign up! But it made me think… Are we now a society unable to have an intimate conversation? Must we post our thoughts and insights for the world to read? I sometimes fear change, is that what this is? There seems to be something wrong with the way we could be moving as a society when we are unable to sit down and trust one another and just talk.

Do we no longer have time for one another? I know that is one thing e-mail does at times (I am an email junkie, I can't deny it), it replaces our actual contact that we might have with one another…

Jim was reading an article out of Time to me this morning and this whole Blogging thing made me think about it. It’s this weeks cover on “Gen M”. Multitasker’s. In it, they, and you all know who they are, are predicting this next generation with their personal computers, cell phones, IM, My Space, I pod, etc… will eventually crash and burn. In a nut shell, they are not learning basic social skills, they are learning to multi task and with that have created these small attention spans. This really struck a chord with me as a teacher, I see it every day with my students, they are so caught up in the “stuff”.

Time this week…
"Every generation of adults sees new technology--and the social changes it stirs--as a threat to the rightful order of things: Plato warned (correctly) that reading would be the downfall of oral tradition and memory. And every generation of teenagers embraces the freedoms and possibilities wrought by technology in ways that shock the elders: just think about what the automobile did for dating."

It goes on to say…

"Gen M's multitasking habits have social and psychological implications as well.

Turkle, author of the recently reissued The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit, has an explanation... "There's an extraordinary fit between the medium and the moment, a heady, giddy fit in terms of social needs." The online environment, she points out, "is less risky if you are lonely and afraid of intimacy, which is almost a definition of adolescence. Things get too hot, you log off, while in real time and space, you have consequences."

This is just a small taste of the article, but do you get it? What I’m seeing? This trend...

Is it worth it? Do we care? Really?????

I had a student loose a parent a few weeks ago and it has made me think and think of what is really important in my life. It is you, all of you. I want to talk, really talk again with my friends and family.

Will I stop My Blog, you ask? No. I do look forward to it opening up dialogue that has possibly been lost. I hope also that I will be invited back into your lives and not just to view it from a window seat. You are always welcome in ours.

Let's not forget to breathe.

posted by TRACI at 10:04 PM


I believe I have stumbled onto a blog that I will have to visit daily. I love your insight on this issue. Even though I am only 15 I can really see where you are coming from and now I slightly fear for my generation. Thank you for giving such wise knowledge. And I hope that what ever else you write captivates many others.

10:37 PM  

Hey Dorka!

What?!?! Did you and Jim write this together? Glad to see that I helped you dicover the wonderful world of blogs!

luvs, S*

8:28 AM  


It's all me! :)

9:38 AM  

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