TibKat's Insight's

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Every beginning has an end.

With every beginning there is an end. In any type of relationship, this is true. From the pure joy you have when you bring a pet home for the first time, to the bond that you create and build between one another as you watch them grow and age and eventually die. Relationships can end all of a sudden, when something is taken away from you unexpected or you grow apart, every relationship has an end. It is how we handle this end that is a testament of our true character.

I was given some excellent advice from my mother at the end of my first intimate relationship. My boyfriend and I had built a life together over a six year span and all of a sudden the carpet was taken out from under me, unexpectedly. It is in these moments of panic and irrationality when our fears surface and we ignite. My mother had told me to end it gracefully, that I did not. I was hurt and afraid and I reacted, some what out of hysteria and some what out of this great feeling of loss.

End it gracefully she told me. It is out of a sense of grace that we show for one another that will bring us true peace of heart.

My best friend is engaged. Loosely through me, her fiancé and my sister began a working relationship, two terrific artist coming together with two separate agendas. This relationship seemed to be what they both were needing, an outlet to express themselves through their mutual talents. It was a success, for both of them but it eventually came to an end. Tempers flared, feelings were hurt and both parties felt a lack of respect.

End it gracefully I was advised. I was 26, what did I know about grace at that time, little, very little. Looking back I wish I had handled myself better. Looking back I wish I had ended it gracefully. I respect the time we shared together, my memories are fond.

End it gracefully.
posted by TRACI at 10:31 AM 1 comments